Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Rabies vaccine

This one was the worst and we got two shots of it! The nurse inserted the needle subcutaneously and the immediate results looked like big mosquito bites. (no wonder Cedric cried... jkz!) It's been two weeks since and it's still pretty itchy=(

Here's the horrible memories...=P

At least we're now somewhat protected.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Update: July 8th

Hey everybody!

Wow, it's been a month since we did an actual update! And God has definitely been moving and teaching us lots during this time.

On June 27th, we all got our vaccinations done (yes, all 5 of them!), and none of us got ill from them, so praise God who has protected us! And no, Cedric did
not cry (praise God for that too...?). God has also shown his faithfulness at the fundraiser night we held at Rosewood Baptist Church on the evening of the 28th. It was our opportunity to share our heart through music, prayer and simply through our short sharing time about our mission trip, and we believe God had blessed each person that night. God is great!

We've also completed our training with the SIM books, so in terms of knowledge, we're prepared, but we still have a long way to go, that's for sure!
Please pray for us so that the things that we've learned would be far more than mere head-knowledge, and something that truly translates into gesture of love from the heart so that all of those who we minister to can experience the love of Christ through us.

Right now, in terms of preparation, we're in the process of buying some of the things we'll be needing, for the trip and also raising the funds for everything also. Finances is perhaps the hardest reality to face when going on a mission trip, and it can easily become discouraging and distracting, keeping our eyes from truly trusting in God's vision and providence.
Please pray for us that we would trust in God's provision for this trip so that we can focus on simply doing our Lord's kingdom work without this distraction being a hindrance.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

This is a verse that our team is trying to live by, and we're beginning to actually see it happen! We sought first to do God's work, that His kingdom would be brought to areas that have yet to be reached. So far, we have already seen some provision also! Our God who knows exactly what we need in order to go on this trip will and has already begun to provide. Praise the Lord! If you'd like to join in being very much apart of God's financial provision for this trip, you can do so by clicking here to fill out an online form, and SIM will be glad to send you a tax receipt. Thanks to those who have chosen to partner with us in this way!

Here are some other areas for which we can use some prayer:
  • Currently, our visas are also being processed, so please pray that our visa applications will go smoothly so that there would be no delay for our trip.

  • Pray that our group would be very prayerful throughout our preparation and the duration of this trip. It is easy to get caught up in logistics and other things to do in our life, but none of these things should override our need to pray!

  • Janet will be leaving on a trip with her family to Hong Kong, so please pray that she will travel safely so that when she returns to Toronto, she will still be good to go on our trip to Benin.

  • Pray that we would find not only the financial support, but the prayer support from our friends and family, especially our prayer warriors.
So that is about all for now! We'll keep you posted!

-SIM Benin Team 2008